NOVEMBER 27, 2024
Good Used Electric Leaf Blower: $8. 931-436-1268 or 931-980-4071. * * * * Antique 2 Ft. Handsaw: 55+ years old, works. $15. 931-436-1268 or 931-980-4071. * * * * 50+ Ricks Of Firewood: cheap and some for free. 931-436-1268 or 931-980-4071. * * * * 2 Inventory Scanners: by Cipher Lab. $200 each. 931-206-1755, Clarksville. * * * * DON’T BREED OR BUY WHILE HOMELESS DOGS DIE: adopt from us. www.humanesocietydover.petfind * * * * Antique Grass Cutting Swing Blade: collectors item. $15. 931-436-1268 or 931- 980-4071. * * * * Old Military Trenching Shovel & Head Cover: $12. 931-436-1268 or 931-980-4071. * * * * Commercial Trenching Shovel: good con- dition. $15. 931-436-1268 or 931-980-4071. * * * * Antique Wood Single Tree: $20. 931- 980-4071, Palmyra. * * * * Attention Collectors: antique 2 ft. Sands level, 60 years old, aluminum. $25 obo. 931-980-4071, Palmyra. * * * * Well Built Steel Contractors Lumber Rack: for 8’ base pickup truck, cost $300. Asking $150 obo. 931-980-4071, Palmyra. * * * * Vintage Grass Cuttin Swing Blade: $15. 931-980-4071, Palmyra. * * * * READER ALERT: The Peddler encour- ages it’s readers to thoroughly investi- gate business opportunity offers before investing money. Some positions adver- tised may require a personal investment or purchase, and/or may involve recruit- ing others. Many positions are generally paid by commission or bonus instead of a salary. Research & understand all as- pects of offers you are replying to. Never send cash through the mail. The Peddler does not assume responsibility for any financial losses incurred as a result of ads published in The Peddler. When in doubt, check them out. Contact the Bet- ter Business Bureau at www.MiddleTen- or call 931-503-2222. * * * * Wood Bench: $50. 931-206-1755, Clarks- ville. * * * * GRACE HOUSE MINISTRIES: We provide FREE food, clothing & household items for people in need. We also accept dona- tions. Every 2nd Saturday and 4th Satur- day of each month at 10am-12pm. Tony Jordan, 931-218-9276 or email grace-, 3171 Trenton Rd. Clarksville, beside Grace Church Of The Nazarene. * * * * Nice Cast Iron Firedogs: dog images on front, 16”. $135 obo.931-436-1268 or 931- 980-4071 . * * * * CATS-R-US NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: always accepting donations of food, litter, bleach, paper towels & trash bags. 931-503-0053, Clarksville. * * * * Good Used Metal Folding Chairs: $7 each or both for $12. 931-436-1268 or 931- 980-4071. * * * * Good Used 4 Ft. Step Ladder: $12. 931- 436-1268 or 931-980-4071. * * * * Antique Hand Held Lawn Edger: collec- tors item. $8. 931-436-1268. * * * * PAGE 22 TENNESSEE 931-552-1160 • E PEDDLER.COM • KENTUCKY 270-885-7232 NOVEMBER 27 thru DECEMBER 4, 2024 2020 CAN AM MAVERICK TURBO 160 hours, 1724 miles, tune-up in January, front & back bumper winch, street legal, has stereo, completely enclosed for mud- ding or during winter, brand new tires, whip lights, have all paper work, lots of extras. $15,000 obo. 931-206-6422. * * * * 3 FEIST & CUR PUPS Mother is good tree dog. $100 each. 931- 206-2646. * * * * ELLIPTICAL With mat. $100. Call 931-216-3249 * * * * STUMP GRINDING Dirt Cheap • Free Estimates Call or Text 931-216-1616 GARAGES, POLE BARNS, DECKS, ROOM ADDITIONS, NEW HOUSES AND MUCH MORE CALL STOLTZFUS CONSTRUCTION 270-841-0636 EXCAVATING ALL TYPE OF EXCAVATING WORK Plumbing Service & Repair Trenches • Ditches • Drains Positive Drains • French Drains Septic Systems Installed Water Lines • Field Line Repair Footers • Land Clearing Asphalt Millings Driveway Rolling Licensed & Insured 931-627-9336
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